Get a bright smile for Summer

Why not treat yourself to a whiter smile this summer? At Kingswood Parks Clinics we offer two types of whitening, both have great results. Are you going away, have an upcoming special occasion or you just want a whiter smile; we have the perfect way to achieve the smile you want!

For both whitening options you would need to see a clinician first to check that your gums and teeth are healthy and that your suitable to have the treatment carried out. It’s a non-invasive treatment that whitens the enamel of your tooth, s can feel assured there will be no shirt or long term damage to your teeth.

Teeth Whitening in Hull- Kingswood Parks Dental (

What happens in the appointments?

For at-home whitening, we use a brand called Boutique whitening; initially we scan your teeth, so we have a mould and send this off to our lab. They will send back your whitening trays and we will see you again to go through how to use the gels and trays, normally we recommend using them for around 2 hours per day and you will see results within 2 weeks.

With in-surgery whitening, we use Phillips Zoom! At this appointment you will be in the chair for around 1 hour, we will change the gels every 15 minutes, once completed again you will leave with your own bespoke whitening trays to maintain the results at home.

Teeth whitening in-practice or at home | Philips Zoom!

Still not sure which treatment would be best for you?

Our clinicians can go through the options with you on your initial consultation and see which treatment would benefit you the most. We can show you the different types of treatment so you can make an informed choice, for you.

We use the best brands available so that our patients get the best results possible.

We’d advise to use a sensitive toothpaste if you experience any sensitivity whilst using the products, normally it should reduce or go away.

Other options we have

Are you a tea/coffee/red wine drinker and noticed you have stains? We offer a stain removal called Air Polish, this includes a scale and polish and then we use a machine which is a jet, with fine air, water and powder which removes surface stains, we have seen great results from this treatment.

Tips on how to keep that smile whiter for longer

  • Regular routine appointments- so having a clean and polish every 6 months to maintain your oral hygiene is a great way.
  • Brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste
  • Flossing at least once a day.
  • Avoiding stained foods such as wine, coffee, tea, curry.
  • Using a straw for drinks, this will help with reducing stains.

For more information on these treatment or even your routine dental exam, please contact the practice:


Contact – Kingswood Parks Dental (
