10 years younger!

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Ageing is something that everybody experiences in life whether we like it or not. Even ensuring you get a good nights’ sleep can make a difference in how young you look the next day. All of us feel the effects of age, but that does not mean we cannot look fresh, if we put in a little extra effort.

We see TV programs and read articles telling us how to look ten years younger. You can also work on maintaining a lifestyle that can keep you looking fresh as a daisy. Many people turn to cosmetic surgery and invasive treatments to help with the signs of ageing and making themselves look more useful and younger.

A lot of people think you need a lot of treatment doing to see a difference when in reality less is more.

While we offer a range of treatments which would have a significant impact on the condition and appearance of your skin, here are a few tips to help you become a younger or at least best version of yourself:

Skin care

You will not achieve more youthful looking skin overnight. Your skin will need time and a consistent routine to give it the nourishment it needs to look it’s best. This is why a daily skin care routine is important! Firstly, you need the right cleanser to wash off all the oil, dirt and makeup that has been sitting on your face all day. And, it is important that you use a product that is intended for your face, a bar of soap or body wash will most likely be too harsh for the delicate skin on your face. A lot of skin cleansers and soaps can wash away our natural oils, causing unwanted dryness and irritation. Instead, look for a gentle cleanser like the AlumierMD Purifying Gel Cleanser to fight the most stubborn dirt and oil without stripping your skin of it’s natural moisture. An extra skincare product that you might want to add to your skincare routine is an exfoliant. This can be used once or twice a week to help get rid of skin build up and improve the skin’s texture and appearance, one that we recommend would be either the AlumierMD Lotus Scrub or the Bright and Clear Solution. When choosing a moisturiser, look for one that is suited to your skin type. One of the mistakes people make when it comes to moisturisers is that they do not use a product that fits the type of skin they have. For people with oily skin, it is best to look for lightweight moisturisers that are oil-free. For those who have dry skin, thick hydrating creams can help lock in long-lasting moisture more effectively. And above all, always use an SPF! It will protect you from the harmful UV rays of the sun which is the number one cause of wrinkles, uneven skin tone, skin sagging and other signs of skin ageing.

Prescription Skin Care – Alumier MD – Kingswood Parks Dental (kingswoodparksclinics.co.uk)

Stay hydrated

Don’t forget to stay hydrated! You should always drink at least 2 litres of water every day to keep your skin looking fresh and to make sure that your body works effectively and feels healthy. Drink a glass or two of water with every meal as well as throughout the day. You don’t have to be thirsty to reach for a glass of water. If you’ve exercised, drink even more water than you normally would afterwards to make sure to replenish. This will keep you looking and feeling young and can take years off the way you look and feel.


Exercise daily! Make sure to get at least thirty minutes of exercise a day, whether it means taking a walk or going for a jog in the morning. You may feel that you’re too busy to exercise, or that you’re too unhealthy, but there is a form of exercise that can help almost everyone. It will also give you energy and will make you feel even younger and more energetic. If you commit to a regular workout routine, it will help you look younger in no time.

Healthy diet

Since an early age, we are told to maintain a healthy diet. Eating healthy meals every day, supplemented with healthy snacks and plenty of water, can help you look and feel younger. If you’re only eating processed foods or are constantly overeating, then you’re bound to look and feel older than you really are. Foods that are rich in Vitamin C, like broccoli and oranges, can help you look and feel younger, and antioxidants found in foods such as berries can help keep your skin fresh. Carrots and sweet potatoes are also great for your skin, and low-fat yogurt can help keep your teeth strong.


Get enough rest. Even though every person needs a different amount of sleep, sleeping for at least 7-8 hours a night should begin to give you the rest you need to feel alert, you don’t want your face to look puffy or your skin to look saggy because you’ve barely slept. Not getting enough rest will make you less likely to maintain other healthy habits. As you get older, your body will show signs of tiredness more easily, so you should make sure to find the amount of sleep you really need and try to maintain it.


Treatment options are endless, however by getting regular facials such as microneedling, has been proven to help with the elasticity of the skin, fine lines, and wrinkles. You can get a collagen boost in a more natural method, by having microneedling; resulting in firmer, healthier, and younger-looking skin. There are many more treatments that can help such as anti-wrinkle injections, fillers, plasma skin tightening, PDO thread lifts and more.

You can find out more about all the other treatments we offer, on the website:

Skin Clinic – Kingswood Parks Dental (kingswoodparksclinics.co.uk)

Or contact the team today on 01482 440084 to book your skin consultation, during which the therapists can advise what best treatments are for you and your needs:

Contact – Kingswood Parks Dental (kingswoodparksclinics.co.uk)
